Posts in Culture

Girl Math: More Makeup, More Money

Girl math, a trend originating in New Zealand, has become a Tik-Tok phenomenon. The idea is that any impulse purchase can be justified using the girl math logic. However, jokes a side, given the statistics highlighted in the research reports, it is in fact not bad logic to spend £50 on new makeup for an interview, if your paycheque is going to increase as a result.

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Diet Culture: A Feminist Perspective

Diet culture is promoted through social media, fashion and magazines. Binary notions surrounding dieting often categorise food into ‘good’ and ‘bad’, leaving foods with higher calories labelled as ‘bad’.

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Inequality at Home: Household Labour, Education and the Labour Force in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia

In the Global South, expectations of women’s role as ‘home-maker’ start young and can damage girls’ attendance in school and subsequent life opportunities. For adults across the Global South and North, the disproportionate gendered split of household labour is damaging for women’s careers and leisure time.

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Empowerment or Objectification? Beauty Pageants in Limbo Between Gender Equality and Patriarchal Culture

From adhering to Eurocentric beauty standards and the objectification of women’s bodies, to the lack of inclusivity towards the LGBTQIA+ community, these competitions magnify elements of patriarchal culture.

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