Generation Z and the Great Gender Divide
Young women are more liberal than ever, but the same cannot be said for young men. Why has this gap emerged, and is it too late to close it?
Female Genital Cutting in Kenya: How do you end a cultural practice?
Around the world, Female Genital Cutting remains a deeply entrenched tradition marking the transition to womanhood for young girls. Yet this practice inflicts severe physical and psychological harm and has rightfully been recognised as a violation of human rights.
Re-Gendering Climate Change, Pt 2: Why Don’t We Ask the Women?
Climate Change discussions and humanity’s response to its looming threats have long been dominated by men. But research has clearly shown that including more women in decision-making forums leads to better outcomes.
Re-Gendering Climate Change, Pt 1: The Feminine Urge to Care About the Environment
Why do women make more environmentally conscious decisions compared to men? Perhaps because women are taught to be more altruistic, or because environmentalism is targeted towards women.