Menstruation in Humanitarian Crises
Menstruation is certain. Therefore, support for women, girls and people who menstruate must be guaranteed in humanitarian response. Its continued omission is symptomatic of the continued stigmatisation around menstruation and the male stronghold over the humanitarian sector.
Stop Sextortion for Water in Kenya!
Water is a precious and rare resource in Kenya, but women and girls are disproportionately affected by the lack of it. It’s time to speak up about sex-for-water exploitation and push for a law to make this abuse illegal.
Art as Activism: Ecofeminism and the Climate Crisis
Through a series of arresting images and provocative installations,
this exhibition invited the audience to critically reflect upon the logic of domination that drives both gender oppression and the ongoing degradation of the environment.
Re-Gendering Climate Change, Pt 2: Why Don’t We Ask the Women?
Climate Change discussions and humanity’s response to its looming threats have long been dominated by men. But research has clearly shown that including more women in decision-making forums leads to better outcomes.
Re-Gendering Climate Change, Pt 1: The Feminine Urge to Care About the Environment
Why do women make more environmentally conscious decisions compared to men? Perhaps because women are taught to be more altruistic, or because environmentalism is targeted towards women.